I've seen first-hand the impact a good story can have on a company's marketing efforts. 'Storytelling' has become one of the most effective ways to build your brand and connect with your customers. It sounds simple, right? But what exactly do I mean and how on earth is storytelling suitable...
Your Top Must-Have Marketing Tools for 2023
Having the right set of marketing tools for your business is essential if you want...How To Supercharge Your Business With A Power Hour
Have you found yourself wondering how you're supposed to tackle everything in your business? Is...Looking For Social Media Content Ideas?
You want to post great social media content to your channels but you don't know...
Even though content marketing has been the buzz-word in marketing circles for several years, not everyone understands what it is...
Here’s something that made all of us at Aitkens Media collectively go “ahhh”. Â Take a look at how the Ritz-Carlton...
It’s wonderful to be a part of a fabulous team and we’re excited to show you the newest edition of...